The NTPE Observation process is designed for non-supervising and supervising NTPEs.
Non-Supervising NTPEs
- School Counselor PK-12
- School Nurse / School Health Specialist
- School Psychologist
- Instructional Technology Specialist
- Home and School Visitor
- Social Worker
- Speech Language Pathologist
Supervising NTPEs
- Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction
- Supervisor of Special Education
- Supervisor of Pupil Services
- Supervisor of Vocational Education
- Building Principals
The NTPE Observation process is initiated by the NTPE.
When an NTPE starts the process, they are prompted to select the supervisor that will be responsible for reviewing and approving their NTPE Observation.
Steps in the Process
- Step 1 – NTPE creates a new NTPE observation and select the appropriate supervisor
- Step 2 – NTPE completes the NTPE observation… and Submits
- Enter Goals
- Select Component Focus Areas
- Enter Comments/Evidence for each Component Focus Area, using the rubric language, Guiding Questions, and Types of Evidence resources as a guide
- Step 3 – Supervisor reviews, adds comments and approves… and Submits
- Step 4 - Once approved, NTPE returns to their NTPE observation at any time throughout the school year and enters updates… and Submits
- Step 5 – Supervisor reviews / adds comments… and Submits
- Step 6 – When appropriate, NTPE completes self-assessment rubric… and Submits
- Step 7 – Supervisor reviews and completes self-assessment rubric… and Submits
- Step 8 – NTPE and supervisor authenticate the observation
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