According to Act 13, a 13-1 Annual Rating form should be completed once per year for classroom teachers who are considered Professional Employees.
Note - Semi Annual 13-1 rating forms should be used with Temporary Professional Employees and should be completed twice per year. According to Act 13, 100% of the final score on Semi Annual form is driven by the ratings and evidence from Observation and Practice.
Completing a 13-1 Annual Rating Form (Webinar Recording)
- Log into PAETEP
- Locate the desired professional employee
- Create a New 13 Form (see screen screen grab below)
- Select 13-1
- Select school year
- Complete the required fields (see screen screen grab below)
- Enter Rating Date
- Select Building/School
- Select Annual
- For Observation and Practice - Enter four domain ratings (Note - Click on and view available evidence via the green information icons next to each domain and next to the user's name.)
- For Building Level Score - Select the appropriate option and enter the required data (Note - Building Level Scores are not available until the fall when PDE publishes the data.)
- For Teacher Specific Data - Open the Teacher Specific Rating Calculator and select the appropriate data available option (Note - Teacher Specific Data that is available and attributable to a teacher should be used. Under Act 13, teacher specific data includes student performance on state assessment data, growth (PVAAS) data, and IEP goals progress data. Student performance on assessment data and growth data are typically not available until the fall of each year when PDE publishes the results.)
- For LEA Selected Measure(s) - Enter the appropriate score (Note - Click on the green information icon to view any completed measures, including a score from a completed SPM or SLO. If a score is available, enter it into the space provided (0, 1, 2, 3). If more than one measure will be used to inform this rating, click on the calculator icon and enter the measures, ratings and % significance.)
- Select Professional Employee
- Enter Period Ending Date
- Select Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
- Save, Sign and Submit the form
Note From PDE:
In fall 2022, the Department will make available Building Level Scores comprised of Assessment, Growth, Attendance Rate, and Graduation Rate for the 21/22 SY, where the measures are applicable to the building.
In fall 2022, the Department will make available 21/22 SY Assessment data for Teacher-Specific Data attribution, where applicable to the professional employee.
Growth data for Teacher-Specific Data attribution will NOT be made available by the Department for the 21/22 SY or the 22/23 SY. However, the Department will make available 23/24 SY Growth data for Teacher-Specific Data attribution, where applicable to the professional employee, in the fall of 2024.