According to Act 13... 

  • Classroom Teacher is defined as a professional employee or temporary professional employee who provides direct instruction to students related to a specific subject or grade level.

  • Nonteaching Professional is defined as an educational specialist or professional employee or temporary professional employee who provide services and who is not a classroom teacher (including, counselors, dental hygienists, home school visitors, instructional technology specialists, nurses, school psychologists, social workers, speech and language pathologists, instructional coaches, or supervisors of curriculum and instruction).

In some instances an LEA may have a professional employee or temporary employee working in a unique role.  Based on the definitions above, LEAs should decide whether the individual with a unique role is treated as classroom teacher or nonteaching professional.  When making these decisions, PDE recommends that the district consult their solicitor. For guidance from PDE, please

The following are some typical examples.

Classroom Teacher 13-1
Health Teacher

ROTC Instructor
Alternative Education Teacher


Non-Teaching Professional 13-3

Reading Coach, if no direct instruction with students
Reading Supervisor

Individuals with Unique Roles and Roles within PAETEP
  • Classroom Teachers - Professionals with unique roles that are determined to be classroom teachers should be given the Teacher role within PAETEP.   

  • Nonteaching Professionals - Professionals with unique roles that are determined to be nonteaching professionals should be given the NTPE and NTPE Other role within PAETEP.