NTPE Other role for Non-Supervisors

In some cases, it may be more appropriate to identify a Teacher as an NTPE.  For example, a school district may have an Instructional Coach, that does not have teaching responsibilities and may thus want to consider them an NTPE and complete an 13-3 form.  According to PDE, this is an LEA decision.  When making these decisions, PDE recommends that the district consult their solicitor.  For guidance from PDE, please contacRA-PDE-Evaluation@pa.gov.

How to give a user the NTPE Other role...

As a School District Admin user, access the User Accounts page.  Locate the user and under Actions... select Edit.  On the users account page, select the Role tab.  Select the NTPE Other role from the list of roles and select Add Selected Role.  See screen grabs for guidance.

NTPE Other role for Supervisors

In addition to the NTPE Other role, there is also a NTPE Other Supervisor role.  School District Admin users can elect to use this role when the building principal and/or one of the four NTPE Supervisor roles (Supervisor of Special Education, Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction, Supervisor of Pupil Services, Supervisor of Vocational Education) are not appropriate.

How to give a user the NTPE Other Supervisor role...

As a School District Admin user, access the User Accounts page.  Locate the user and under Actions... select Edit.  On users account page, select the Role tab.  Select the NTPE Other Supervisor role from the list of roles and select Add Selected Role.

Please note that is this NTPE Other Supervisor needs supervision rights they will also need to be given the NTPE Supervisor role... the NTPE Supervisor role gives NTPE supervisors (Supervisor of Special Education, Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction, Supervisor of Pupil Services, Supervisor of Vocational Education, and NTPE Other Supervisor) the ability to supervise both teachers and NTPE non-supervisors.