Under Act 13, presets for the Teacher Specific Rating section of the 13-1 form are now predetermined based upon the student performance data that is available and attributable to an individual teacher. To learn more about Teacher Specific Presets under Act 13, visit Understanding the 13-1 Rating Form for Teachers.
Directions for Adding Teacher Specific Rating Presets for 82-1 Forms (Only applies to school years prior to 2021-22)
PA-ETEP allows School District Admin users the ability to enter and save different scenarios for the weighted percentages for the teacher specific rating calculations on the 82-1 form. Once entered and saved, these presets can then support building principals and supervisors in remaining consistent across the district in terms of setting/using these weighted percentages for specific teachers. School District Admin users can access the Preset management tool via their Administration tab. Once presets are created, principals/supervisors will select from a drop down on the 82-1 form (section 3- teacher specific rating calculator) the appropriate preset for the given teacher. See example screen grabs for more information.
Click here to watch a video tutorial on Completing an 82-1 form using the Teacher Specific Rating Calculator section with Presets.
Attached are documents that can be used internally by a district to guide discussions on determining the weighted percentages for different teacher specific rating calculations.