What tools are available within PAETEP to collect evidence and evaluate principals and directors of special education?
Under Act 13, building principals and directors of special education are evaluated annually with a 13-2 form. As indicated in the pie chart above, 70% of the final score on a 13-2 is derived from Observation and Practice evidence. The NTPE Observation process is a great way to collect the majority of this evidence.
NTPE Observation - The NTPE Observation is a year long process that is initiated by the principal. At the beginning of the year, the principal identifies personal goals for the year and selects component specific areas of focus from the Framework for Leadership. Once submitted to their supervisor, the principal receives feedback and makes any necessary changes. Once approved, the principal returns to the NTPE Observation throughout the year and provides updates. At the end of the year, the principal self-evaluates on the Framework for Leadership rubric and submits a final update. The principal's supervisor then enters their ratings and the NTPE Observation is closed. Once completed, the component ratings flow to the 13-2 form to inform the four domain ratings for Observation and Practice.
Lean more about the NTPE Observation
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What Principals Should Know about Act 13 and PAETEP
Although the NTPE Observation is used to collect the bulk of evidence for Observation and Practice, supervisors can also document and gather evidence through Walkthroughs and Anecdotal Notes.
Principal Performance Goal - Under Act 13, the Principal Performance Goal (PPG) was created for principals and directors of special education to complete each year. As depicted in the 13-2 pie chart above, the score earned on the PPG constitutes 20% of a principal's final score. Since the NTPE Observation is often used to facilitate personal goals, the PPG is frequently used to facilitate district initiatives. In fact, if desired, the district can pre-fill the PPG in order to guide their principals in focusing on similar goals across the district.
Learn more about the Principal Performance Goal
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Learn more about PPG Presets